After Appointment Care:
It is very important to ensure you obtain the absolute best results while enjoying your beautiful new eyebrows. This means following specific after care instructions.
The following must be avoided during all 14 days Post procedure:
Increased sweating.
Swimming, Malibu can wait! Please refrain from any swimming or water activities.
Practicing sports or excessive training.
Hot baths, jacuzzi, or saunas. We love them too, however steam affects the healing process!
Touching of the eyebrow area except when applying aftercare ointment.
Exposure to UV/UVA rays and excessive exposure to the sun.
Laser or chemical treatments and skin peelings.
Any cosmetic creams containing Retin-A or glycolic acid on the treated area.
Picking, peeling, or scratching the treated area. Keep the treated area as clean as possible
Drinking alcohol in excess may lead to slow healing of the treated area.
Heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning. The spring cleaning can wait and you’ve earned a break!
Avoid driving in open air vehicles, convertibles, bikes, boats, or motorcycles.